Beginning Anew

Though I must admit in private conversation I had already told the grid manager I intended to create my own content for my region, I couldn't help but notice someone has decided to place a mirror of the same on another grid. They claim they created the content, and that it is exclusive to them, so for this reason I have decided to accelerate the reformation of my region. Despite my real life schedule, which is about to hit the fan. So I want to thank the persons responsible.

Moving forward I will rename my region as Ithilien. I struggled with this, wanting secretly to call it as my estate in Second Life (which was Wayland). However due to several reviews indicating my region is aligned to Tolkien lore, I decided with Ithilien. I also needed one word, as I notice many grid viewers sometimes struggle with two plus word regions when providing links.

So my first order of business is to add that to my computer's spellcheck, as that is my theme, now. I'll be posting it often, so why not. A bit of lore, and I discovered this playing the online game LOTRO, Ithilien was restored to Gondor after Sauron fell. In the book it tells that the city of the moon was razed due to it's infestation, but in the game (so far) it seems the free people are trying to salvage it (Minas Ithil). Strategically it would not make sense to NOT have a fortification there... despite evil being officially defeated.

So back to the arduous task of completely refitting my region. I have decided to begin with the central structure. For inspiration I'm looking at the Tribune tower in Chicago, as it has that central fortification appearance. It may take more time then I expected, as the allure is in the ornamentation. That will take awhile. The bottom I am looking at the St Louis art museum, but not sure how I'm going to piece these together. Maybe I won't, and have the museum building separate.

Before this incident I had already begun transforming an unused valley portion into a skill game area. For inspiration there I tried my best to imitate the Acropolis of Athens. So that was apparently my warming up exercise. I also did begin an arena, but I'm unhappy with the exterior, and have settled with a favorite, classic Mediterranean style train station. The rock formations I have begun to replace with simple prims.  Just trying to get rid of anything created by others, so it's a bit simple in appearance, at the moment.

Well, that's all I have time to post right now. Here's some food for thought, Tesla in French means "you're here". There's a song by the band Mono called "Are You There?" that haunted me growing up. I guess after all, here I am.